Illusione ottica
Optical Illusion
Adèle Yonnet & Mattis Pion
Adèle e Mattis dipingono uno scorcio popolare di un non meglio identificato borgo siciliano, ma gli sovrappongono un oggetto d’uso fuori scala, sospeso a mezz’aria. L’effetto surreale trasporta la rappresentazione in una favola, raccontata da due artisti a metà stupiti dall’uso locale di vivere all’aperto e a metà ironici.
Adèle e Mattis paint a glimpse of an
anonymous Sicilian village, but add
an oversized utility object floating in
midair on the background scenery. The
surreal effect transports the representation
in a fairy tale, told by two artists wavering
between the surprise for the local habit
of living in the street and an ironic posture.
anonymous Sicilian village, but add
an oversized utility object floating in
midair on the background scenery. The
surreal effect transports the representation
in a fairy tale, told by two artists wavering
between the surprise for the local habit
of living in the street and an ironic posture.