(Avellino - IT, 1973)
vive e lavora ad Avellino
lives and works inAvellino
Untitled - 2018
80x100Untitled - 2018
85x50Untitled - 2018
85x53acrilico su foto e disegno su plexiglas semitrasparente
Untitled - 2018
80x100Untitled - 2018
85x50Untitled - 2018
85x53acrylic on photography and drawings on
translucent plexiglas
courtesy l’artista
My research starts from a meditative stance. I look at the relationship between man and nature as part of the universally surrounding energy. After several experiences of that kind with painting, from pointillism to the thin borders between the natural and the artificial, as well as the conversion threshold of the digital into nature and the latter into technology, I began to treat photography as if it were painted, and to paint as if I were shooting a photo. In fact, I am now using photos as a base for experimenting further techniques: adding and subtracting, combining drawings and the pictorial, and then reprinting all the material in a quite heterodox way on transparent plexiglas, in order to let it standing in between the viewer and the work in the guise of an inexistent filter, as it took shape just through the volume of its transparency. In short, I try to combine my painting experiments to technology, within a magnified space.The goal being to get a slight depth, made of small marks, transparency, transformations, aimed at exploring nature, and expanding the feelings it arises. Gianluca Capozzi.
courtesy the artist